Need God?
The Gospel
Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried, and rose again the third day. (1Cor 15:3, 4) Regarding these events in history, we each have a choice. We can reject God’s free gift of salvation or we can repent of our sins and claim God’s offer of redemption and eternal life through the blood of His Son. We did not choose to be born, but we can choose to be born again.
Think carefully of God’s offer; eternity hangs in the balance.
For more information, visit
Prayer Requests
Helpful Resources
Bible Study
“Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” – a great resource for understanding what Jesus did on the Cross.
Salvation pamphlet
“33 Things that Happen at the Moment of Salvation” – a brief but comprehensive study on who believers are in Christ.
Read-Through-the-Bible 2014 schedules are in the foyer. Check off your reading on the chart in the hallway, if you are participating.
Biblical Counseling
We do not provide professional counseling, but we would be happy to provide Biblical insight into difficult situations you might be facing. Please contact the church for more information.
Recommended Links
Bible Study
- Thru The Bible Radio (J. Vernon McGee)